MAT214A: Discrete Structures
State University
About the Text--Epp's 4th edition/Discrete Mathematics with
Chapter/Section Slides:
- Chapter 1: Speaking Mathematically
- 1.1 Variables
- 1.2 The Language of Sets
- 1.3 The Langage ofRelations and Functions
- Chapter 2: The Logic of Compound Statements
- 2.1 Logical Form and Logical Equivalence
- 2.2 Conditional Statements
- 2.3 Valid and Invalid Arguments
- 2.4 Application: Digital Logic Circuits
- 2.5 Application: Number Systems and Circuits for Addition
- Chapter 3: The Logic of Quantified Statements
- 3.1 Predicate and Quantified Statements I
- 3.2 Predicates and Quantified Statements II
- 3.3 Statements with Multiple Quantifiers
- 3.4 Arguments with Quantified Statements
- Chapter 4: Elementary Number Theory and Methods
of Proof
- 4.1 Direct Proof and Counterexample I: Introduction
- 4.2 Direct Proof and Counterexample II: Rational Numbers
- 4.3 Direct Proof and Counterexample III: Divisibility
- 4.4 Direct Proof and Counterexample IV: Division into
Cases and the Quotent-Remainder Theorem
- 4.5 Direct Proof and Counterexample V: Floor and Ceiling
- 4.6 Indirect Argument: Contradiction and Contraposition
- 4.7 Indirect Argument: Two Classical Theorems
- 4.8 Application: Algorithm
- Chapter 5: Sequences: Mathematical Induction, and Recursion
- 5.1 Sequences
- 5.2 Mathematical Induction I
- 5.3 Mathematical Induction II
- 5.4 Strong Mathematical Induction and the Well-Ordering
Principle for the Integers
- 5.5 Applicaiton: Correctness of Algortithms
- 5.6 Defining Sequences Recursively
- 5.7 Solving Recurrence Relations by Iteration
- 5.8 Second-Order Linear Homogenous Recurrence Relations
- 5.9 General Recursive Definitions and Structural Induction
- Chapter 6: Set Theory
- 6.1 Set Theory: Definitions and the Element Method of
- 6.2 Properties of Sets
- 6.3 Disproofs and Algebraic Proofs
- 6.4 Boolean Algebras, Russell's Paradox, and the Halting
- Chapter 7: Functions
- 7.1 Functions Defined on General Sets
- 7.2 One-to-One and Onto, Inverse Functions
- 7.3 Composition of Functions
- 7.4 Cardinality with Applications to Computability
- Chapter 8: Relations
- 8.1 Relations on Sets
- 8.2 Reflexivity, Symmetry, and Transitivity
- 8.3 Equivalence Relations
- 8.4 Modular Arithmetic with Applications to Cryptography
- 8.5 Partial Order Relations
- Chapter 9: Counting and Probability
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Possibility Trees and the Multplication Rule
- 9.3 Counting Elements of Disjoint Sets: The Addition Rule
- 9.4 The Pigeonhole Principle
- 9.5 Counting Subsets of a Set: Combinations
- 9.6 r-Combinations with Repetition Allowed
- 9.7 Pascal's Formula and the Binomial Theorem
- 9.8 Probability Axioms and Exprected Value
- 9.9 Conditional Probability, Byes' Formula, and
Independent Events
- Chapter 10: Grphs and Trees
- 10.1 Graphs: Defintions and Basic Properties
- 10.2 Trails, Paths, and Circuits
- 10.3 Matrix Representations of Graphs
- 10.4 Isomorphisms of Graphs
- 10.5 Trees
- 10.6 Rooted Trees
- 10.7 Spanning Trees and Shortedst Paths
- Chapter 11: Analysisy of Algorithm Efficiency
- 11.1 Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Their
- 11.2 Ο-, Ω-, and Θ-Notations
- 11.3 Application: Analysis of Algorithm Effciency I
- 11.4 Expoential and Logarithmic Functions:
Graphs and Orders
- 11.5 Application: Analysis of Algorithm Effciency II
- Chpater 12: Regular Expressions and Finite-State Automata
- 12.1 Formal Languages and Regular Expressions
- 12.2 Finite-State Automata
- 12.3 Simplifying Finte-State Automata
- Applets through the author's homepage link.
- Errata: check this errata for possible errors in your book.
- Find-the-mistakes and their solutions.
- Some math conventions, induction formats, proof tips, ...
- Chapter reviews: ch01, ch02, ch03, ch04, ch05, ch06, ch07, ch08, ch09, ch10, ch11, ch12.
Other sources:
- An interesting example: application of logic (through the link).
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