- Final Exam will be on 6/30/Thursday (7:30pm~9:30pm)
- Review will be on 6/28/Tuesday!
- Assignment#7 (280 points: (this is a DOC file, and you may type/write your answers in it)
- We will work on this assignment in class on 6/23/Thursday and 6/28/Tuesday.
- Due in class on 6/28/Tuesday or 6/30/Thursday (the same day of the final exam)
- Since some of the assignment questions will be in Final Exam--so PLESE come to the class and complete by 6/28 (9:30pm)!
- How to grade: since solutions will be provided in the class, your A#7 grade is based on how much rather than the correctness!
- Assignment#6_Ch7_8_9: due 6/28/Tuesday, in class (this is a DOC file, and you may type/write your answers in it)
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