SSU 6th Annual (CS) Programming Contest
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SSU 6th Annual (CS) Programming Contest
- Contest Announcement and Registration
- Contest Gudelines: How to prepare for the contest and how to select the winners
- In the Contest: How to submit your solutions (a clean/clear PDF version) to PC2--the automatical grading/judging system.
- (Contest award ceremony will be on 12/13/2017/Wednesday-Reading Day, around noon)
The 6th SSU Programming Contest was held on November 13, Monday,
from 4:00--7:00pm. It is supported and sponsored by JD Software (,
the Computer Science department
and SSU Programming Club. Prof. Beifang Yi is the organizer of the
contest. Prof. Sotirios Kentros also provides assistance. The following SSU students
particpated in the competition:
- Dean Beckford
- Jonathan Cwiok
- Romario Mato
- Nicholas Motta
- Nane Pothier
- Namgyal Sherpa
- Pablo Vargas
- Greer Robert Viau
- Wei Yu
Among them, the following students stood out and were selected for contest winners (based on the contest rules):
- 1st Place Winner: Nicholas Motta
- 2nd Place Winner: Nane Pothier
- 3rd Place Winners: Jonathan Cwiok, Namgyal Sherpa, Wei Yu
Contest Questions and Solutions (Java code).
During the Contest
Contest Winners: (from left to right ) Namgyal, Wei, Nane, Nicholas, Jonathan, and Beifang (advisor)