SSU 6th Programming Contest


Important notes:


  1. Create a working directory/folder under drive “H:” with the name of “ProgContest”:
    1. This is the place where you test your Java program and submit your solution (the Java source file!).
    2. If you use NetBeans, you must copy your source file (.java) to this directory (i.e., “H:\ProgContest”) and delete the package line (at the beginning of your Java source file) in the Java code file. Then use commands “javac” and “java xxx” to compile and test your solution (“xxx” is the main name for your java file).
  2. Go to directory “R:\Yi\Prog_contest_practices”—first go to the department’s R: drive, then folder “Yi” and finally subfolder “Prog_contest_practices”:
    1. Double click file “pc2.bat” (which may be displayed as “pc2” or “pc2.bat” as the file names).
    2. Copy file “pc2v9.ini” (which may be displayed as “pc2v9” or “pc2v9.ini” as the file names) to your working directory (i.e, “H:\ProgContest”).
  3. Now you need to start a Command Prompt Terminal. Work on contest questions and test your solutions under the working directory in this command line terminal.
  4. Submit your solution:
    1. You must be under working directory (i.e., “H:\ProgContest”).
    2. Type command “pc2team” and then provide the username and password given to you by the contest supervisor, (Prof. Yi). The follow submission instructions.
    3. If you receive a feedback saying “Yes”, your solution is correct. If you receive any other feedback information, your solution might be wrong:

                                                    i.     There might be “bugs” in this Programming Contest Control System. So if you are suspicious of the judgment, please let the supervisor know immediately, who can manually test your solution and make necessary changes to your scores.

                                                   ii.     Our intensive testing for the passing years shows that when your solution is “correct” but is judged “wrong”, most likely, your solutions do not follow the output requirements, such as more whitespaces, blank lines….

  1. You may not (must not) use the Internet, any electronic formats for reference. But you may use any paper-based materials.
    1. Anyone who tries to use search engines or other Internet sources (including electronic version of your past projects…) will be dismissed from the Contest.
  2. The Java API docs/specifications are located at “R:\Yi\Java_api\index.html —this is the ONLY link that you can use via the internet browser!