Some projects (large--years of work or small--weeks) I have done in my
interested research areas:
- Computer Graphics:
- Immersive Virtual Reality (an Introduction).
- Games (screen shots in animated
GIFs, random pics) with OpenGL:
- 2D Pong
- Hockey
- Pool: Animated Pics, a overall
screen shot.
- SketchPad: (pics needed to rebuild with OpenGL/GTK+).
- A short (unfinished) writing
about KDevelop and OpenGL.
- Computer Vision and Image Processing:
- Advanced CV/Image course projects
with OpenCV, CVIPtool (topics: Canny/Snake/Hugh,
Camera calibration, 8-points algorithm...).
- Real time camera tracking
with Fuzzy Logic method.
- Face recognition: LLE vs. PCA (a project with OpenCV
and Matlab) (final report not attached).
- Evolutionary Computation/Genetic
Algorithms (website for my work)
- Parallel Computing (with
the use of MPI)
- An introduction on
Single-Source Shortest Path on Planar Digraph and its parallel
- Mandelbrot, N-body,
Sharks & Fishes (Cellular Automata) with 3D simulation(1, 2),
Shared Memory Matrix, Distributed Memory Matrix
- Networks, Robotics, ...
- HCI (Human-Computer Interaction)
related with comptuer graphics (Inventor/OpenGL),
software development (Kdevelop/Linux), GUI(Qt), UI (User-Interface
Design) and database
design (MySQL):
- vHand: Virtual Hand--a Human
Hand Simulation System (part of this work serves as my MS
- sEditor: My PhD work. The ultimate goal is to provide a
Sign Language(SL) Editing System:
- Virtual human body/gesture modeling (done), facial expression modeling (well
gesture animation process (well done), SL linguistic parts integration
(underway), database design for gesture/SL parts (underway).
- Screenshots (screen01.jpg,
screen02.jpg) (more
are coming with the publication of this work).
- Vision-based HCI.(a PDF file,
80 pages).