2nd SSU Programming Contest
2nd SSU Programming Contest was held on February 27, 2013, Weddnesday,
from 4:30pm~7:30pm. It is sponcered by the Computer Science department
and Programming Club. Dr. Beifang Yi is the organizer of the contest.
The following CS majors particpated in the Contest:
- Andrew Brandt
- Anthony Calabresi
- Redi Cako
- Zakarya Fadili
- Michael Kaminsky (high school freshman)
- Samuel Kato
- Alexander Lora Lozada
- Rajeev Maharjan
- Sokkosal Mam
- Rafaele Oliveira
- Ritesh Pokhrel
- Steven Sanchez
- Samip Suwal
The following CS majors and Dr. Bo Hatfield provided much-appreciated assistance and help for the Contest- Suman Adhikari
- Joseph Harris
- Devin Gleason-Lambert
- Prashant Uprety
Contest Questions and Solutions (including Java code and test cases).
The Contest winners (from left to right):
- Dr. Beifang Yi (Contest faculty advisor and organizer)
- Samuel Kato--FIRST place
- Samip Suwal--SECOND place
- Andrew Brandt--THIRD place

The first place winner, Sam Kato, who solved ALL six questions!

During the Contest

Prof. Yi is monitoring the contest progress.
After-Contest Party
Checking Contest Results.

Dr. Bo Hatfield and Joe Harris

Programming Club President Steven Sanchez