UPE Invited Talk

March 03, 2020

On March 3rd, UPE hosted its first Invited Talk of Spring 2020 semester. As the speaker of the event, Shawn Aparo gave a talk on "Microservices". He described that Microservice architecture is dominating the landscape of software developmnent. The better students understand this topic, the major techniques that enable it, and what it is like to work within this pattern, the better that career opportunities will be when students graduate. During this talk, Shawn Aparo provided an overview of the topic, shared his experiences working with microservices, and engaged in a Q and A session covering both microservices and early career advice.
Shawn Aparo is a Software Engineer at EBSCO Information Services. In addition to the 5+ years of experience in the Information Services industry, he also has several years of experience in Financial Services and Banking. He studied Computer Science at Salem State University from January 2016 to May 2018, and was inducted into UPE in the Spring of 2017.  Additionally, Shawn also holds a B.S. degree in Finance from UMass Dartmouth.