To all SSU Students,

There will be a Programming Contest held in the Math Lab, Sullivan Building 306, on Wednesday, April 20 between 4:30 pm and 7:30 pm. You are cordially invited to participate in the event. This contest is sponsored by JD Software ( Three undergraduate students and three graduate students will share $1,800 in prizes, with the following prizes for each category of students:
$400:  First Prize
$300:  Second Prize
$200:  Third prize

1. You may use any programming language installed on the computers in the Math Lab.
2. More details about the prizes and policies for this programming contest, along with a sample problem, are posted at .
3. You can familiarize yourself with the contest rules and specifications, and participate in preparation and warm-up exercises, by coming to sessions in the Math Lab, SB306, on Wednesday, April 13 from 4:30 - 5:30 pm and Tuesday, April 19 from 4:30 -5:30 pm.  During those sessions, help will be provided on using the programming languages installed on the computers in the Math Lab.

**************Registration for the Contest***************
1. You must be a current SSU student, taking at least one course at SSU.
2. Please register by 7:30 pm on April 14 using the Eventbrite link at .  If this doesn't work, please register by sending an e-mail by 8 pm on April 14  to Dr. Arthur Rosenthal at , with the following information:
Subject:  Registration for SSU Programming Contest
Your full name
Your SSU e-mail address
Your major
Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student
Your SSU Student ID number
3.  The number of computers available for the contest in the Math Lab is limited to 19.  Should there be more than 19 registrants, priority will be given to those who have registered earlier.  In that case, we will consider other possibilities (perhaps two sittings for the Math part of the programming contest, just as there are often two sittings for dinner on cruises), but we can't promise that yet.
4. If Java is your preferred programming language, there is also a programming contest to be held in a Computer Science Lab, Meier Hall 210, on April 11 from 3:30-6:30 pm where the only programming language you may use is Java.  More information about the Programming Contest to be held in MH 210 is posted at .   If you have questions about the contest on April 11 or would like to register for it, please e-mail Dr. Beifang Yi at  with the following information by Wednesday, April 6:  Your name, SSU ID, SSU e-mail address and youor major.  Although students may enter both the programming contests in the Computer Science and in the Mathematics Department, nobody can win more than one prize. (If somebody qualifies for two prizes, they will win the most valuable prize, and somebody else will win the prize that the multiple prize winner was ineligible to receive).

Arthur Rosenthal, PhD
Mathematics Department
Salem State University
SB308I (978) 542-6392
