SSU 3rd Annual Programming Contest
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SSU 3rd Annual Programming Contest
- Contest Announcement and Registration
- Prize Structure
- Contest Gudelines: How to prepare for the contest and how to select the winners
- In the Contest: How to submit your solutions to PC2--the automatical grading/judging system.
- (Contest award ceremony will be on 5/2/2014, around noon)
The 3rd SSU Programming Contest was held on March 31, 2014, Monday,
from 3:00--6:00pm. It is supported and sponsored by JD Software (, the Computer Science department
and SSU Programming Club. Dr. Beifang Yi is the organizer of the contest.
The following SSU students particpated in the competition:
- Srijana Bhattarai
- Roman Burdakov
- Stephen Chin
- Nickolas Freitas
- Renato Giorgiani
- Farhan Khan
- Thomas Marini
- Nicholas Papanastasiou
- Samip Suwal
- Charles Taft
- Prashant Uprety
- Kaile Wei
Club President, Joseph Harris, and Club Treasurer, Rajeev Maharjan.
kindly provided assistance as volunteer for the event.
After nearly three hours' competition, six contestants stood out for their excellent performance:
- Roman Burdakov
- Nickolas Freitas
- Renato Giorgiani
- Thomas Marini
- Samip Suwal
- Charles Taft
Among them, three were selected for contest winners (following contest rules):
- 1st Place Winner: Nickolas Freitas
- 2nd Place Winner: Samip Suwal
- 3rd Place Winner: Roman Burdakov
Contest Questions and Solutions (including Java code and test cases).

Nickolas Freitas (left)--the FIRST PLACE WINNER

Samip Suwal (left)--the SECOND PLACE WINNER
(Tom Marini (middle) and Charles Taft (right))

Roman Burdakov (left)--the THIRD PLACE WINNER
During the Contest

Tom Marini (left)

Renato Giorgiani
After-Contest Party

Programming Club President Joseph Harris
The Programming Contest in Math Lab was completed and the CS students had won all the prizes (for its undergraduate contest):
1st place winner: Samip Suwal
2nd place winner: Renato Nascimento
3rd place winner: Thomas Marini
(Nickolas Freitas is also on 3rd Place).
2014 Programming Contests Award Ceremony
Programming Contests (Computer Science and Mathematics) Award Ceremony
was held on May 2, 2014 in the Computer Science department. The
contests were supported and sponsored by JD Software ( The following contest winners have received monetary prizes and award certificates:
Programming Contest (Computer Science) Winners:
Programming Contest (Mathematics, Graduate) Winners:
Programming Contest (Mathematics, Undergraduate) Winners:
======================Initiating the Ceremony============================

First Cut that initiated the ceremony by a JD Software representative

was provided by JD Software and SSU Programming Club---the food was
so delicious, tasty, and inviting---who could resist the
temptation so as to take the photos of the dishes instead of rushing to the delectable delicacies?---Wanted: pictures of the victuals, vittles, and viands for the lunch!)

(SSU Programming Club President, Joe (Left), and a CS Contestant, Charlie (right))
==============Award Ceremony=================

(Award prizes, certificates, and gifts)

Opening Remarks by Acting Dean (College of Arts and Sciences), Dr. Michele Sweeney

Introduction by Dr. Beifang Yi (Computer Science department, CS Programming Contest organizer)

Speech by Dr. Arthur Rosenthal (Mathematics department, Math Programming Contests organizer)
------------------------------------------THANKS, to JD Software---------------------------------

and Presentation of Math Contests Awards by Dr. Christopher Boucher,
Chair of Math Department-----------------

------------Speech and Presentation of CS Contest Awards by Javier Vasquez from JD Software-----------------

Closing Remarks by Dr. Bo Hatfield,
Chair of CS Department-
More info about the contests: