Computer Graphics and Visualization Journals (some links only work within UNR net)

  1. ACM Transactions on Graphics (1982 - ), home
  2. Computer Graphics Forum (1991 - ) Blackwell
  3. Computer Graphics World (1995 - ),   home
  4. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (1995,1997 - ) Elsevier via SciServer
  5. Computers and Graphics (1995 - ) Elsevier via SciServer
  6. Computing and Visualization in Science (1997 - ) Springer via SciServer
  7. CVGIP: Graphical Models and Image Processing (1993 - ) IDEAL via SciServer
  8. Graphical Models (1993 - ) IDEAL via SciServer
  9. Graphical Models and Image Processing (1993 - ) IDEAL via SciServer
  10. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications (1988 - ) IEEE
  11. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (1995 - ) IEEE
  12. International Journal of Image and Graphics (2001 - ),  home
  13. Journal of Visualization (98 - ),  home1, home2
  14. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation (1997 - ) Wiley via SciServer
  15. Machine Graphics and Vision
  16. Journal of graphics tools
  17. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications  
  18. The Visual Computer (Springer)
  19. IJCA: International Journal of Computers and their Applcations.
  20. Image and Vision Computing
  21. Multimedia Systems
  22. Computing and Visualization in Science
  23. Virtual Reality
  24. Inateracting with Computers

Computer Graphics and Visualization Conferences, Symposia, and Workshops

2.      VIS: IEEE Visualization.
3.      Graphics Interface.
4.      GDC: Game Developers Conference.
5.      CASA: Computer Animation and Social Agents.
6.      GVE: Computer Graphics and Visualization.
7.      CGI: Computer Graphics International.
8.      IASTED: International Association of Science and Technology for Development
9.      ISCA: International Society for Computers and their Applications.
10.  Eurographics: Annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics.
11.  GMP: Geometric Modeling and Processing.
12.  WSCG: Winter School of Computer Graphics: International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Digital Interactive Media.
13.   GraphiCon: International Conference on Computer Graphics and Vision.
14.   SMI: Interanational Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications.
15.   MMM: International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling.
16.   ICVC: International Conference on Visual Computing.
17.  ICME: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia.
18.  PG: Pacific Graphics.
19.  IEEE-VR: IEEE Virtual Reality.
20.  VDA: SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis.
21.   VIE: Visual Information Engineering.
22.   SCA: ACM Symposium on Computer Animation.
23.   i3D: ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics.
24.   ISMAR: IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality.
25.   PVG: IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics.
26.   InfoVis: IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.
27.   NPAR: International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering.
28.   EGSR: Eruographics Symposium on Rendering.
29.   SG: International Symposium on Smart Graphics.
30.   SMA: ACM Symposium on Solid Modeling Applications.
31.  VolVis: IEEE/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Volume Visualization and Graphics.
32.   VRST: ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology.
33.   VisSym: Joint Eurographics—IEEE TCVG Symposium on Visualization.
34.   MIAR: Medical Imaging and Virtual Reality.
35.   CAS: Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation.
36.   IWAR: International Workshop on Augmented Reality.
37.   CGC: CGC Workshop on Computational Ceometry.
38.   Graphics hardware: Eurographics—SIGGRAPH Workshop on Graphics Hardware.
39.   IPT: Immersive Projection Technology Worshop.
40.   CapTech: International workshop on Modeling and Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments.
41.   Europgraphics Workshop on Parallel Graphics and Visualization.
42.   Workshop on Rendering, Perception, and Measurement.
43.   Workshop on Standards for Computer Graphics and Imaging.
44.   EGVE: Eruographics Workshop on Virtual Environments.
45.   VMV: International Fall Workshop on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization.
46.   VG: International Workshop on Volume Graphics.


1. 3d ARK Art & Animation Contest
2. Prix Ars Electronica (Germany)
3. The International Exposition for Comics and Animation

HCI Journals and Conferences

  1. SIGCHI.
  2. ACM Transactions On Computer-Human Interaction.
  3. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
  4. ACM Interactions.
  5. Interacting with Computers.
  6. Displays
  7. Human-Computer Interaction,  home1
  8. International Journal of Human-Computer Interactionhome1

 IEEE Conferences

ACM Events and Conferences