
An Interactive Software Package for Virtual Hand Visualization and Animation

Department of  Computer Science
University of Nevada,  Reno


fig. 1.  V-Hand


The development of V-Hand (see fig. 1) is one part of the project (Development of a Nationally Competitive Program in Computer Vision Technologies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction in Virtual Environment) and its main purpose is to provide a virtual environment for displaying the maniplation process of hand recognition and tracking. This environment requires that 1). construction of  three-dimensional arm/hand models, 2). application of realistic hand configuration, 3). implementation of algorithms to render the 3-D arm/hand models, and 4). (recording) animation of hand gesture movements.

V-Hand's 3-D model was first created on SGI workstation with the use of Open Inventor. Then with the coming of Red Hat 8.0, which incorporates Qt 3.0.5 and KDE3.0,  and especailly with the availability of Coin's Inventor/Qt APIs, V-Hand is now developed in Linux platform in IDE of KDevelop2.1.4.  Thus, V-Hand, an interactive virtual hand visualization/animation software package with GUI can be run on multiplatforms because Coin provides open source APIs and only Qt part of the KDevelop is used and Qt is a cross-platform GUI software. We successfully tested the earlier version of V-Hand on Linux and Window.

This paper briefly describes the philosophy and development of V-Hand. We will first discuss the construction of hand model, and then introduce the graphic user interface design and implementation, and finally talk about the future (incoming) work.

3-D Hand Model

The organic and highly articulate human hand

To construct a virtual hand, it would be to our benefit if we first learn from the anatomy of human hand.  The fig. 2  shows the very organic feature of human hand. This means that as we make any hand gestures there is much deformation in the shape of hand, giving a challege to create a realistic hand. On the other side,  our hand is highly articulate, just as illustrated in fig. 3. Through the study of human hand gestures we have learned that we have to use as many as 26 degrees of freedom (DOF) in order to represent a certain set of meaningful hand gestures. Generally, there are 4 DOFs for the four fingers (index, middle, ring, and pinky), 5 DOFs for the thumb and 6 DOFs for the wrist movements. For example, there is one DOF for each upper joint of middle finger (flexion/bending) and two DOFs for the third joint of middle finger (flexion and abduction/side-side-movement). The thumb produces the most complicated deforms when moving.

              anatomic hand                                  hand diagram
                                              fig. 2.  Organic structure of human hand                                   fig. 3. Representation of human articulate hand

The anatomy provides us useful information about construction of a virtual human hand. The complexity of hand gesture expression can described as a set of finger joint flexion/abduction, wrist displacement/rotation. Furthermore, if we divide a hand into seventeen parts according to the joints, nearly every part (except the thumb base part) can considered as a rigid object, thus simplifying our effort in the work of deformation. Our virtual hand model is based on these considerations.

Virtual hand model

Firstly, we managed to find a raw hand data of reasonal size, whcih means it has about three thousand polygons (including forearm). By using Open Inventor, we reconstructed the hand (see fig. 4) and calculated the normals and applied them (see fig. 5), as the first step of creation of virtual hand.

raw hand        hand raw with normals
                                        fig. 4. Reconstruction of the orginal hand                       fig. 5. The original hand after normals are applied

Then the wireframe overlay (fig. 6) and hidden line patterns (fig. 7) for this hand were produced which could help us disintegrate the whole hand.

hand raw overlay      hand raw hidden line

                                       fig. 6 Hand wireframe overlay display                                     fig. 7. Hand represented as hidden lines

At this point we began to divide the whole hand into seventeen parts. To do so, we marked every vertex with a certain number. For example,  fig. 8  is the index finger with vertex-numbering:

hand index numbering

fig. 8  Index finger with numbering for each vertex

Still, we had to go further: every finger is divided into three parts. For example, the thumb base part can be illustrated in different visual pattens in fig. 9  and fig. 10.  Those different displaying patterns can greatly help us find which vertices best represent the edge vertices between adjacent parts.  For example, in fig. 9, vertex 20 should not be the edge vertex and we should create a polygon composed of vertices 20, 24, 21 (right-hand rule in OpenGL rendering).

hand raw thumb bases    

fig. 9  Polygon representation of thumb base with vertex-numbering

 hand raw thumb base hiddenline

                                                                    fig. 10. Thumb base with vertex-numbering in hidden lines

Now comes the most tedious and time-consuming work. For each part (except the thumb base part), we computed its weight center,  the part's direction,  the flexion centers and axes and the abduction centers and axes if applicable.  Because our original hand gesture is the very starting gesture pattern, a part's flexion and abduction each have two centers and rotation axes: positive and negative directions. Sometimes, the negative direction can not be obtained by multiplying the positive one by minus one. To test the effect, a simple but effective animation program must be written.  At this step, normals are not calculated. To get a better performance, we have to cut of some vertices of a part and to attach some (or all) of them to the  adjacent part. As for the thumb base part,  additional work is needed: for example, we have to move some vertices to new places. Although the new place is very close to the old one, it gives better performance and outlook.

After all joints flexion/abduction centers and axes are determined, we can make our virtual hand to express  a certain set of gestures. Fig. 11 shows a full stretched hand,  and fig. 12 displays somewhat bent (cup-shaped) hand. Please note there are holes when the virtual hand makes gestures.

hand raw without filling                      hand raw no filling 2

                                                fig.  11 A full stretched virtual hand                                 fig. 12 A cup-shaped virtual hand

From division to integration

In the above section, we have disintegrated the whole hand into seventeen parts and calculated the necessary parameters such as flexion/abduction center, axis, thus producing fifteen holes in the hand. In this section we discuss how to fill those holes with fifteen patches. It should be remembered that some of the patches (that made up the two upper holes of the four fingers and one upper hole of the thumb) get involved in only one operation: flexion, while other patches in two operations: both flexion and abduction.

Linear interpolation does not work: the bending movement gives a circular trajectory and the side-to-side movement does nearly so. We have to calculate the 3-D vertices on the convex trajetories for the flexion and abduction movements. And we must dynamically compute those points as we have to consider the hand animation, which produces unpredictable gestures.

At this step, normals both for the seventeen parts and for the fifteen patches must be applied.

Another thing that should be noted is the Inventor's animation mechanism which is different from the OpenGL's: in OpenGL we can manipulate every vertex/normal in nearly every step through the operation on the display list, while in Open Inventor we can not do this because the all the vertices and normals consisting of a part are considered as one unit. For example, after providing the initial vertices normals, and transformation (rotation, displacement...) parameters of a part, Inventer automatically renders following these specifications. And during the rendering process changes of those parameters in user's program does not have any effect on the rendering.  The question becomes how to combine the automatic animation rendering of seventeen parts by  Open Inventor  with the dynamical rendering of the fifteen patches by the programmer.

To solve the above problems we extended the Open Inventor's engine class group by adding two new engine classes into Open Inventor. One for the thumb base patch and the other one for the remaining fourteen patches. The two classes complete the interpolation of the patch vertices and  normals with two different algorithms. One concerns with combined rotation computation, the other the combination of linear with circular rotation for the thumb base patch which needs to be further improved in the future. The algorithm is that with the edge vertices of a part as a set of starting vertices, the flexion/abduction (rotation) centers and axes as constants, a set of interpolated vertices can be calculated according to the given flexion/abduction (rotation) angles. The normals of the interpolated vertices can be computed from the vertices.  The Inventor's matrix operation functions have been used  for the vertex/normal calculation and it should be noted that vertex and normal, though they each are represented as a vector,  use different vector/matrix operations in transformation process. The flexion/abduction transformation order applied in the Inventor (OpenGL) rendering for any one of the seventeen parts should be applied reversely in the calculation of the corresponding patch interpolation vertices. The normals for the adjacent vertices (those vertices that are shared by the part and patch) take the value of the normals in the part not the value computed in the patch, because the normal for a single vertex is a single value and we can not change the normal value in the part.

With the implementation and integration of the two classes, we have very good results, for example: fig. 13 shows our new virtual hand when nearly stretched from front view  while fig. 14  the cup-shaped new virtual hand from back view.

hand 1               hand 2

                                                  fig. 13.  New stretched virtual hand                           fig. 14 New cup-shaped virtual hand

Program design

The virtual hand is implemented with C++ programming language and the Open Inventor which is also object-oriented API. This object-oriented feature in the programming language and API is fully utilized in the construction of hand model and animation. As above said, a hand is composed of seventeen parts (objects): forearm, palm, and three parts for each finger (including thumb). Although those seventeen parts look different in the physical world, they share the common characteristics. For example:
  • they are all composed of 3-D vertices with normals and colors;
  • they have same rendering mechanism;
  • each has flexion and abduction movement, though some parts show zero abduction;
  • built-in timing engines (for flexion and abduction) can be inserted into each part for gesture display and animation;
  • each part, when moving, leaves a hole, which has be to filled with a patch;
  • we have to calculate for every part its weight center, direction, and transformation parameters;
  • each part should provide functions that can be used to update its edge specification, for example, insert new edge vertices and/or cut off the old ones;
  • instances for creating the patch vertices/normals are substantiated from the above-mentioned newly-inserted engine classes;
  • once the vertices/normals for the patch that attaches to the part are created, this part will provide a rendering mechanism.
Naturally, a single class can fulfil those requirements and we call it XFinger.

Similarly, a Finger class is written to:
  • set up three objects (parts) for a finger;
  • attach each of the three patches to its corresponding part;
  • render these parts and patches in correct order;
  • provide some functions for controlling the XFinger objects.
Finally, a Hand class will:
  • create five Finger instances: thumb, index, middle, ring and pinky;
  • set up two XFinger objects: palm and forearm;
  • provide functions for setting up the edges for all the seventeen parts;
  • provide necessary information for calculating the edges, transfomation parameters for all the parts;
  • connect palm and its patch;
  • control the animation and/or gesture displaying;
  • read/write hand information from/to files;
  • most of all, create thumb base patch;
  • render all the fingers and the other objects in correct order.

GUI Design

We used Qt 3.0.5 to implement the virtual hand visualization. One of Coin's API, SoQt, provides a very good application interface between Qt and Open Inventor. Thus all the hand rendering can be transferred into a Qt widget for visual display. In our system we use the QLabel as displaying widget. In the following we will not dicuss the program design, but will introduce the features of V-Hand in a way of looking through V-Hand user manual.

There are four regions in addition to the traditional menu bar, toolbar and status bar:
  1. The display part: it occupies the upper half which is made of a main viewing part and four small parts.  Hand images can be displayed from different view directions.
  2. The control part: the lower left region, composed of five tab widgets. Here we can control hand, camera parameters and image recording process.
  3. Multiple rich text output region: the lower middle part. It provide an immediate information about the hand, camera. 
  4. Logos: the lower right region.


  • There are many different outlooks (for example, Window-style, SGI-style) to choose from the menu "display" or corresponding control keys;
  • Animation can be controlled from "Hand" menu or control keys;
  • A natural hand or a color hand can be chosen from "Hand" menu or control key. 
Fig. 15 is just one example.. We will show different outlooks while we introduce other features.


    fig. 15   One of the many V-Hand display styles


Using the "Viewing" tab, we can:
  • choose for every displaying region the viewing direction (we have eight fixed cameras and one moving camera to choose from);
  • magnify or increase the displayed image;
  • control the moving camera to look at the hand from any direction in 3-D world;
  • and choose drawing style for the virtual hand.
Fig. 16 show one example of the viewing styles: the main viewing window displays a magnified hand drawn in colored lines from the lower-right-front camera view, up right window with magnified colored hand (normals applied) from lower-left-front camera view ......

fig.  16   One of V-Hand viewing styles

Thumb control

Fig. 17 is the thumb control tab used for controlling thumb joint's flexion and abduction rotations. "DIP", "PIP", "MCP" indicate the upper, middle and base parts of thumb, and "A", "F" means abduction and flexion rotation degrees.

fig. 17   Thumb control tab

Finger control

The other four fingers' gestures can also controlled by modifying their joints' flexion/abduction angles, as is shown in fig.  18.

fig. 18  Finger control tab

Wrist control

Wrist's movement is a little different, because there is displacement in 3-D world ("Tr-X/Y/Z"). And in addition to the flexion (Bend) and abduction (Side-to-Side movement), there is third one:  the "Twist" movement.  All these movements can controlled as shown in fig. 19.


fig. 19  Wrist control tab

Record image control

With this control tab, we can record a sequence of hand images in accurate fixed time sequence by:
  • selecting any of the nine cameras or all the eight fixed or nine cameras;
  • setting up number of frames for the image sequence;
  • giving image size (width and height);
  • defining recording speed (frames per second) for storing images for a movie;
  • writing down hand parameters (rotation angles for every joints);
  • storing hand animation/gesture transformation parameters and camera specifications:  rotation matrices, virtual hand (box) size, etc for hand gesture recognition, analysis, and tracking;
  • adding lighting or delete lighting;
  • reset hand to initial position, and then recording;
  • image file name is in the format: "baseFileName.nnn.mmmmmm.(RGB/mat/ang)": baseFileName is inputted by user, nnn represents camera, mmmmmm is the frame number, RGB is image file in RGB format, mat the matrix file, and ang gives the hand parameters.
Fig. 20 tells how set up these parameters for recording a (movie) sequence of images.


fig. 20  Image recording control tab

When in the recording process, a progress bar in the status bar will report the recording progress in real time.  Fig. 21 to fig. 28 are 8 images (one frame) from eight fixed cameras:

                                                            fig. 21 lower-left-back view                      fig. 22. lower-left-front view

                                                           fig. 23  upper-left-back view                       fig. 24  upper-left-front view


                                                                fig. 25. lower-right-back view                      fig. 26  lower-right-front view


                                                                    fig. 27   upper-right-back view                 fig. 28 upper-right-front view

Future Work:

We are now working (will soon work) on the V-Hand in several categories:

  1. set up hand constraits on the hand animation / gestures;
  2. find a better algorithm for thumb base patch vertices calculation;
  3. create interpretation messages for V-Hand GUI package (status bar infomation, "what's " information, and "Tips" prompt information;
  4. show the recorded images and try to make a movie on these images;
  5. display voxel images of the hand;
  6. work on the inverse kinematics problems.