CS 791 E Programming Assignment # 1
2. Write a program that implements convolution on a given
image using Gaussian mask.
2.1. Methodology
Because of the symetry and separability of Gaussian function, we can apply
the Gaussian mask (2-D) on an image by using 2 separate steps: 1). applying
1-D mask for every row of the image, and 2). applying the 1-D mask on the
above image.
2.2. Program
- Download the Makefile and testDisplay.c file.
- Type make
- Type ./testDisplay <input image file> <output
image file>
- This program used CVIP library for reading and writing image, so CVIP
should be on machine.
- I ran this program from my Linux machine (Red Hat 8.0).
2.3. Results
- After processed with Gaussian a mask: sigma = 1.0, size 3x3:
- After processed with Gaussian a mask: sigma = 1.0, size 5x5: