CS 791E Computer Vision
Homework #1
1 Three computer vision research groups
1.1. ARTEMIS Project Unit:
- Title: ARTEMIS Project Unit: Advanced Research and TEchniques for
Multidimensional Imagine Systems
- Website: http://www-sim.int-evry.fr/Artemis/
- Leading researchers:
- Dr. Francoise Preteux (head)
- Dr. Nicolas Rougon
- Dr. Catalin Fetita
- Dr. Titus Zaharia
- Affiliation: it is a research-oriented structure within the INT (Institut
National des Telecommunications) --one of the three main components of the
French GET (Groupe des Ecoles de Telecommunications).
- Description: ARTEMIS conducts research in the field of multidimensional
imaging (visual information processing) including image acquisition, processing,
archiving, transmission, analysis, manipulation and secured intelligent access.
Its activities are organized in three themes:
- nD Vision: conoscopic systems, artificial retinas, fluid motions,
mathematical morphology, PDE-based approaches, stochastic modelling, wavelets
and 3D geometric modelling.
- Medical Imaging: heart motion analysis in tagged-MRI, 3D reconstruction
of airways in spiral CT imaging, stenosis quantification in ARM.
- Telecommunications & Multimedia: multiple data compression,
selective compression, MPEG-4 compliant 3D mesh coding, smart clones, sign
language processing, and MPEG-7 indexing.
Image processing and visualization combined in a virtual environment has
a lot of challenging topics and promises a lot of applications in the medical
arena. So I have interets in this project.
1.2. Vision Analysis and Simulation Technologies Laboratory
- Title: VASTLAB (Vision, Analysis, and Simulation Techologies LABoratory).
- Website: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/vast/
- Leading researchers:
- Affiliation: Center for
Human Modeling & Simulation, University of Pennsylvania
- Desriptions: the research lies in the area of physics-based
modeling of deformable and articulated objects, the mathematically rigorous
and computationally efficient framework in computer vision, graphics and
medical image analyis.
HMS (Human Modeling & Simulation),
VASTLAB's affiliate, is a center to promote the study of multi-modal communication
with computers via visual images, video, sound and touch. The major
focii of HMS are: parameterized action representation, embodied agent models,
real-time simultation of human movement, articulated and deformable object
modeling, and etc.
1.3. EPFL-Computer Vision &Computer Graphics Lab
- Title: Computer Vision Laboratory
- Website: http://ligwww.epfl.ch/vision/
- Leading researchers:
- Dr. Pascal Fua
- many research assistants.
- Affiliation: ISIM (Institute
of Computing and Multimedia System), which belongs to EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne),
- Desriptions: its research areas include head/body modelling
from video, augmented reality, realistic modelling of humans from video sequences,
and developing an automated golf coach.
I chose this research group because at EPFL, there is a virtual reality
laboratory (VRlab) , which can be supposed
to be a world leader laboratory in real-time Virtual Humans and in the area
multimodal interaction, immersive virtual environment and augmented reality.
2. The three main computer vision journals:
- The latest issue (January issue) has not come out yet. But I
have found three
interesting papers related with hand recognition.
- One of them is: A
Real-Time Approach to the Spotting, Representation, and Recognition
of Hand Gestures for Human-Computer Interaction.
- This paper presents a real-time approach to the spotting, representation
and recognition of hand gestures from video stream. Multiple cues such as
skin color, hand motion and shape are used for hand gesture spotting and
a compact spatio-temporal representation is proposed for modeling appearanced
changes in image sequences that contain hand gestures. A linear resampling
technique is proposed for eliminating the temporal variation while maintaining
the essential information of the original gesture representations. Over 90%
recognition rate was obtained in experiments with 12 gesture
- I found this paper interesting because I am working on a project related
with hand visulization for hand recognition and tracking.
- I have found a paper by Dr. Bebis et al: Face Detection and
Verification Using Genetic Search.
- This paper deals with the problem of searching for the face of a particular
individual in a 2-D intensity image.Two steps involves in the method: face
detection and face verification. A genetic algorithm is proposed to find
the face of interest in the case of very large search space without any
a priori knowledge about the location and size of a face. Each sub-window
that contains faces is evaluated with using a fitness function that is derived
from the application of eigenspaces.