CS 791E Computer Vision

Homework   #1

1 Three computer vision research groups

1.1. ARTEMIS Project Unit:  

Image processing and visualization combined in a virtual environment has a lot of challenging topics and promises a lot of applications in the medical arena. So I have interets in this project.

1.2. Vision Analysis and Simulation Technologies Laboratory

HMS  (Human Modeling & Simulation), VASTLAB's affiliate, is a center to promote the study of multi-modal communication with computers via visual images, video, sound and touch.  The major focii of HMS are: parameterized action representation, embodied agent models, real-time simultation of human movement, articulated and deformable object modeling, and etc.

1.3. EPFL-Computer Vision &Computer Graphics Lab

I chose this research group because at EPFL, there is a virtual reality laboratory (VRlab) , which can be supposed to be a world leader laboratory in real-time Virtual Humans and in the area multimodal interaction, immersive virtual environment and augmented reality.

2. The three main computer vision journals:

2.1.  IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

2.2.  Computer Vision and Image Understanding

2.3.  Image and Vision Computing

3.  UNR Interlibrary Loan

4. ResearchIndex: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/cs