Computer Science Department |
ITC100 Computers and Their Uses 3.0
credits DII
Prerequisites: High school algebra I and II.
Successful completion of this course satisfies the Computer Literacy core
Instructor: Beifang Yi Office:
MH 208D Phone:
(978) 542-7426
email: byi@salemstate.edu Hours:
TWRF 12:20-1:20pm Web Site: http://cs.salemstate.edu/~b_yi/
TWR 3:20—4:00pm
Section |
Time |
Room |
Final Exam |
05 |
MWF, 1:30 – 2:20 |
MH 206/MH210 lab |
Tuesday, May 5, 2:00 – 4:00 |
You are required to take the final
exam and it needs to be taken with your class section as noted above |
Catalog description:
course provides an overview of the capabilities, uses and limitations of
computers. The major types of software packages are discussed: operating
systems, word processors, database systems, spreadsheets and communications
packages. Applications of computers in areas such as business, education,
graphic arts, medicine and engineering are surveyed. The major focus of the
course is to present these topics in the context of the impact of computers on
functions such as decision-making, information storage, research and personal
productivity. The general discussion is reinforced by skills-oriented lectures,
demonstrations and assignments using specific software packages. Three lecture
hours per week plus laboratory work outside of class. This course satisfies the Computer Literacy core
requirement. Prerequisites: High school algebra I and II.
Course Goals:
Course Objectives:
completion of this course students will be able to:
The department-standard
list of topics and a general course bibliography can be found on the Computer
Science Department website at http://cs.salemstate.edu/ITC100.html
Component Topic List:
Skills Component
Topic List:
(1) Computer Concepts, Illustrated Series,
Seventh Edition, Introductory. Parsons
and Oja. Course Technology Cengage
Learning, Boston, MA 02210, 2009. ISBN-10: 1-4239-9933-9.
(2) Microsoft Office 2007, Illustrated
Series, Brief. Hunt and Waxer. Course Technology Cengage
Learning, Boston, MA, 02210, 2008. ISBN-10: 1-4239-0516-4. You will also need
to purchase the CaseGrader student key code in order to access the online
project and assessment tool, CaseGrader (See software section below)
(1) Microsoft Office
2007, Professional version.
NOTES: (a) Office 2007 Professional
software contains the database application, Access, which is included in the
skill component of this course. If you have Office 2007 Home and Student software
version, this does not include the Access application (See: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX102855261033.aspx).
However, all CSC and IT computer labs on campus have Microsoft Office 2007
Professional installed on the workstations. You are responsible for completing
all lab assignments using the appropriate software applications. (2) The
College and your instructor will NOT ASSUME any responsibility for
issues/problems related to the installation of any course required software on
your computer.
2007*, 1st Edition. Thad Crews. Course Technology Cengage Learning,
2008. ISBN-10: 1423998561. Keycode Required
NOTE: Access to this software is through
the student keycode that can be purchased from the college bookstore.
*CaseGrader: Microsoft Office 2007 with
Autograding Technology is an online application that is designed to provide
instant feedback on hands-on lab assignments completed using the real Office
2007 applications.
Computer Concepts Companion CD. This CD is packaged
inside the Computer Concepts textbook and may be used for additional learning
activities provided by your instructor.
hands-on lab assignments for this course are designed to be completed using a
Windows-based PC with MS Office 2007 Professional software installed. The
minimum specifications for PCs are listed on the college’s website. See: http://www.salemstate.edu/laptop/laptop_pc.php.
If you have a MAC computer, consult your instructor for options. All CSC and IT
labs on campus have MS Office 2007 Professional installed on the workstations.
Additional Resources:
(1) Email: You are required to have a SALEM STATE COLLEGE email account. You may apply for this account through SSC’s
website: http://www.salemstate.edu/usersupport/US-email.php.
Course Management Tool: The college online course management tool available for
this course is Blackboard (My Web Courses) which can be accessed through the
student campus portal, NAVIGATOR, using this link: https://navigator.salemstate.edu:8052/psp/pa88prd/?cmd=logout
or you can go directly to the URL: http://www.salemstate.edu/mywebcourses/.
The instructor will provide you with additional information if using
Class Attendance:
Attendance Is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Your instructor may not always take attendance
and it is not used directly in the determination of the final grade but it is
one of the most important factors influencing a student’s successful
performance in the course. You are responsible for keeping abreast of all
reading assignments and practice exercises, lecture material, lab assignments
and text exercises whether or not you are present in class. Note that
assignments are due whether you are present or not. If you must be absent,
contact your instructor before the class to make arrangements to have any
assignments delivered on time.
Final Grade:
components for determining the final grade for the course are listed in the
table below. Attendance is not used to calculate the final grade. However, you
are at all times responsible for assignments and materials presented in class
even if you are not in attendance. Refer to the Class Attendance section for
the complete attendance policy for this course.
Examination Exam
10% |
Final Examination Exam
15% |
MS Office 2007 Hands-On
Textbook Assignments (12 Required Lab Assignments, plus 1 additional lab
given by instructor).
25% |
CaseGrader: MS
Office 2007 Assessment Projects (4 Required Projects)
30% |
Classroom/Homework Learning Activities (see attached Course Schedule). (PowerPoint
presentation 10%, Internet/Hands on Activities 10%) |
20% |
Final Grade |
100% |
The numeric final grade will be converted
to a letter grade based on the following grading system adopted by the college.
This letter grade will be submitted as the official grade for the course.
Average |
Grade |
93-100 |
A |
90-92 |
A- |
87-89 |
B+ |
83-86 |
B |
80-82 |
B- |
77-79 |
C+ |
73-76 |
C |
70-72 |
C- |
67-69 |
D+ |
63-66 |
D |
60-62 |
D- |
0-59 |
F |
Assignments: (25% of Final Grade)
are 12 textbook hands-on lab assignments that must be submitted during the
semester (see attached Course Schedule). Each one of these lab assignments is
worth 8 points, which equals 96 points. The lab assignments will
cover the skill sets introduced in the textbook, Microsoft Office 2007. Your
instructor will provide you with an additional lab assignment that will be worth
4 points, thus totally 100 points. Upon completion and evaluation of all these
lab assignments, the total points for lab assignments will be calculated to
determine the 25% grading component for the final grade for the course (see
above Final Grade component table.
MS Office
2007 CaseGrader Assessment Projects: (30%
of Final Grade)
the completion of each MS Office application (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint) lab
assignment, you will receive information and directions for completing a
hands-on application assessment project using CaseGrader. This information will be distributed by your
instructor via the established course communications, i.e. email, online course
website, hard copy handout, etc. Project #1 will cover word processing, Project
#2 covers spreadsheets, Project #3 covers database concepts and Project #4 covers
presentation graphics. The word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation
graphics projects are to be done independently and will be accessed and
submitted online via CaseGrader. The database project will be also be completed
independently and submitted to the instructor according to the directions
distributed by the instructor. Each skill set in the project will have a
pre-determined point value that totals 100 points for each project. The total
points for each project will be averaged, and this grade will be 20% of the
final grade for the course.
Deadlines/Late Penalties:
assignments and exams are due by the designated due date otherwise full credit
will not be given. The due date for each assignment, project, or exam will be
specified when assigned.
Exams: (The Midterm
Exam is 10% of the final grade and the Final Exam is 15% of the Final Grade)
exams are scheduled during the
semester. The first exam will be
scheduled at the midterm point of the semester and the second exam will be
given during the established final exam schedule for your course section.
(See: http://www.salemstate.edu/registrar/finals.php)
tentative timeframe for the exams are:
(1) Midterm Exam: Week
of March 9 through March 13
(2) Final Exam: Scheduled
during Final Exam week May 5 through
May 12.
published in the college academic calendar, the final exam makeup date is Wednesday,
May 13.
students must take both exams. The exams are a combination of multiple choice,
true/false, and possibly other question formats, i.e. matching. These
examinations cover the assigned readings in the textbooks (see attached Course
Schedule), and general concepts about the software applications that are covered
prior to the exam. Each exam will be composed of 50 questions with
approximately 40 questions covering computer concepts and 10 questions covering
software applications.
Midterm is worth 10% of the final grade and the Final Exam is worth 15% of the
final grade for the course. EXAMS ARE NOT SCALED—YOU WILL RECEIVE THE
Missed Exams:
If you miss an
exam, you will not receive any credit and a grade of 0 will be assigned. In the
case of a medical emergency, appropriate medical documentation signed by a
physician will be required in order to take a makeup exam.
Classroom Learning Activities/Homework Assignments: (20% of Final
learning activities will be determined by the instructor. These learning
activities may be completed in the classroom or for homework. Instructor will
provide specific instructions for these activities as they become due. See the
attached Course Schedule
Academic Information and Links:
Academic Calendar 2008-2009: http://www.salemstate.edu/calendar/academic/
Spring 2009 Final Exam Schedule: http://www.salemstate.edu/registrar/finals.php
Deadline for withdrawal from course, Friday, April
17, 2009:
officially withdraw from a course, you MUST fill out the appropriate withdrawal
form and file it with the Registrar by Friday, April 17, 2009. If you officially
drop this class on or before April 17, you will receive a "W"
indicating withdrawal on their transcript. Unofficial withdrawal (not
attending, without filing an official drop form with the Registrar's office by
the withdrawal deadline) will result in a grade of "F".
Master Course Schedule Spring 2009
The course schedule is attached
"Salem State
College is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience
for all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and
The Americans with Disabilities Act and to providing all reasonable academic
accommodations, aids and adjustments. Any student who has a documented
disability requiring an accommodation, aid or adjustment should speak with the
instructor immediately. Students with Disabilities who have not
previously done so should provide documentation to and schedule an appointment
with the Office for Students with Disabilities and obtain appropriate
Note: This syllabus represents the intended structure of
the course for the semester. If changes are necessary, students will be
notified in writing and instructed in class. |