For Exercises 21–26, choose the correct word from the following list. A. Signed-magnitude representation B. Radix C. Frequency of use D. Sampling E. Analog F. Digital 21. ______ data is a continuous representation of information. 22. The representation for numbers you’ve used since grade school is called ______. 23. If the number base is other than base 10, we call the decimal point the ______. 24. ______ data is a discrete representation of information. 25. Huffman codes are created based on the _____________ of the character. 26. An audio signal is digitized by ____ its value at regular intervals. 33. How many things can be represented with a. four bits b. five bits c. six bits d. seven bits 36. Given a fixed-sized number scheme where k in the formula for the ten’s complement is 6 (see page 61), answer the following questions. a. How many positive integers can be represented? b. How many negative integers can be represented? 38. Use the formula for the ten’s complement to calculate the following numbers in the scheme described on page 61. a. 35768 b. –35768 c. –444455 d. –123456 44. Convert the following real numbers to binary (five binary places). a. 0.50 b. 0.25 c. 0.10 47. How many bits would be needed to represent a character set containing 45 characters? Why? 49. What is the main difference between the ASCII and Unicode character sets?