Computer Science Department cs.salemstate.edu |
SYLLABUS Fall 2009
CSC 215 Survey of Computer Science II 4 credits
Prerequisite(s): CSC 201J, and a grade of C+ or better in either CSC 200 or CSC
Instructor: Beifang Yi Office: MH 208D Phone: (978) 542-7426
email: byi@salemstate.edu Hours: TWRF 12:30-3:00pm Web Site: http://cs.salemstate.edu/~b_yi/
Section |
Time |
Room |
Final Exam |
01 |
TR 9:30 – 11:15 |
MH 301 |
Dec 15th, Thursday, 2:00pm—4:00pm, MH
301 |
Catalog description:
This course builds on CSC200A
and provides an overview of selected Computer Science topics that are more
technical and advanced than those discussed in the earlier course. Topics
include a detailed discussion of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal numeration
systems, the machine representation of data and instructions, the design of a
typical computer chip, programming in a simplified machine language, and such
application areas as robots and embedded systems (programming and
construction), artificial intelligence, computability theory and Turing
machines, and an introduction to networks, including the Internet model. Four
lecture hours per week plus laboratory work outside of class.
Course Goals:
The aims of this course are to help the student to gain an appreciation
for the breadth and variety within the computer science field and to be better
prepared for the technical treatments presented in later courses. Upon completion of the course, a student
should be able to do the following:
· CG1: to build an in-depth
understanding for machine representation of data and instructions;
· CG2: to build detailed understanding of several major application
areas of computer science;
· CG3: to provide a capability to
solve problems in each topic area.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of the course, a student
will have:
· CO1: carry out the conversion of
text and numeric data between a human readable form and binary form such as
ASCII characters, decimal negative numbers to 2's complement binary numerals,
and exponential numbers to binary floating point;
· CO2: write simple machine
language programs for a simple computer chip and memory;
· CO3: construct simple sequential
logic circuits;
· CO4: solve problems from selected
areas in artificial intelligence;
· CO5: solve problems from selected
areas of computational theory;
· CO6: solve problems involving
embedded computer systems;
· CO7: solve problems involving
networks of all types including the Internet;
· CO8: solve problems in
distributed algorithms, graphics, and human/computer interface design;
· CO9: understand syntax diagrams
for the specification of language elements;
· CO10: design simple web pages.
department-standard list of topics and a general course bibliography can be
found on the Computer Science Department website (at http://cs.salemstate.edu/dept/index.php?page=184).
The topics include:
review of computer system components
computer hardware and data representation
logic gates and circuits
binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numeration systems and
machine representation of numbers and conversions to and from
integers and 2's complement
floating point numbers (including the IEEE 754 standard)
computer arithmetic
CPU structure
main memory structure and details of construction and operation
details of magnetic and optical media
computer software
machine languages
memory addresses
program counter, instruction
the instruction cycle
instruction set, op codes,
assembly languages
high-level programming languages
language specification: syntax
diagrams, EBNF
lexical analysis, parsing, code
system tools: editors, linkers, loaders, other utilities
artificial intelligence
goals and issues
intelligent agents
solving problems by searching
breadth-first search
depth-first search
heuristic functions
logical induction
logical deduction
formal logic
fuzzy logic
machine learning
expert systems
neural networks
Turing test
computation theory
big-O algorithm analysis
finite automata, Turing machines, the Church-Turing thesis
computability, the P and NP classes
embedded systems
real-time systems
network models and protocols
HTML, JavaScript
circuit switching, packet switching
wireless networks
network security
parallel processing
distributed systems
computer graphics
scene graph
human/computer interfaces
Text(s): (required)
Computer Science: An Overview, 10th Edition, by J. Glenn Brookshear.
Addison-Wesley.,2008. (ISBN:
Additional references:
Concepts in Computing, by Kenneth Hoganson.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers. 2008
Invitation to Computer
(4th edition, 2007), by Schneider and Gersting. Thomson Course
Computer Science Illuminated (3rd
edition, 2006), by Dale and Lewis. Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
The Essence of Artificial Intelligence,
by Alison Cawsey. Prentice Hall. 1998
Computer Systems, by J. Stanley Warford. Jones
and Bartlett Publishers. 2006.
The Architecture of
Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An Information Technology Approach, 3rd Edition, by
Irv Englander (2003), Wiley.
(Handouts will be given in class).
Cell phones:
Turn the
ringer off, or, better yet, turn the phone off.
Class Attendance:
attendance is highly recommended. You
are responsible for all materials presented in class, quizzes, examinations,
and other announcements. No excuses of any nature will be construed as
relieving you from the responsibility for completion of the work assigned. Each
student is responsible for completing all course requirements and for keeping
up with all that goes on in the course (whether or not the student is present).
Scheduled Lab Attendance:
There will be one or two lab classes to
be held in the Lab. Lab
attendance is mandatory for every student. The other laboratory work is done on
the student’s own time, outside of scheduled lectures. The lab class activities
and lab homework are part of the homework assignments.
Final Grade:
Final grade will be determined using the
following grading weights:
homework assignments |
55% |
writing and presentation assignment |
10% |
midterm examination |
15% |
final examination |
20% |
Attendance is not used to calculate the final grade: however, note that
you are at all times responsible for
assignments and materials presented in class.
Deadlines/Late Penalties:
There are
specific due dates/times for any assignments and these assignments should be
completed by the deadlines. A penalty of 6% will be applied for late submission
for each day (including weekends and holidays). All
the assignments will be announced/given in class and through course website.
There will
be one midterm (15% total), and one final (comprehensive) exam (20% total). The
midterm will be held in week 8 depending on class progress. The final exam will
be on Dec 15th, Thursday,
2:00pm—4:00pm, in MH 301. Note: Make-ups are given for missed quizzes or examinations
only under exceptional and documented circumstances.
Missed Tests:
tests will be made up only under extreme conditions/emergency with the proper
documentation. Students who know in advance that they must be absent on an
exam day for an excusable reason should notify the instructor prior to the exam day. Students who
are absent on the day of the exam for an excusable reason should contact the
instructor immediately following
their absence. Makeup work will be permitted only when the instructor is presented with acceptable documentation
for acceptable absences. It is your responsibility to notify your instructor of
any excused absence as far in advance as possible.
Writing and Presentation Assignments:
There will be a writing and presentation
assignment. Students select a topic and write a short essay about it. The
presentation will be based on the writing essay and other topics and will be
delivered in the class. Specifications on this assignment will be given in
class. Note: the writing and presentation assignment constitutes 10% of the
final grade. There are no make-ups for missed presentation unless under extreme
circumstances with advanced notification of the instructor and certain
supporting documentation. The writing essay may be submitted anytime after the
midterm examination but must be turned in before the final examination.
Homework Assignments:
There will
be a series of assignments from the textbooks and other sources. Reading assignments will be a part of the homework assignments.
All assignments are due at the beginning
of class on the dates to be set by the instructor. A 6% penalty will be imposed
for each day (including weekends and holidays) an assignment submission is
One assignment with the lowest grade will be dropped from the
final grading.
Please note that
these assignments constitute 55% of the final grade and that in addition to
these homework assignments there will be Writing and Presentations assignments
which make up 10% of the final grade.
While I strongly encourage study groups, I require that
each student hand in his/her answers in her/his own words ‑ if two
answers are exactly same or highly similar to each other, neither will receive
Integrity Policy and Regulations can be found in the College Catalog and on the
College's website (http://www.salemstate.edu/content_images/academic_integrity_regulations_2007(1).pdf).
The formal regulations are extensive and detailed - familiarize yourself with
them if you have not previously done so. A concise summary of and direct quote
from the regulations: "Materials (written or otherwise) submitted to
fulfill academic requirements must represent a student's own efforts". Submission of other's work as one's own
without proper attribution is in direct violation of the College's Policy
and will be dealt with according to the College's formal Procedures.
"Salem State College is committed to providing
equal access to the educational experience for all students in compliance with
Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and The Americans with Disabilities Act
and to providing all reasonable academic accommodations, aids and adjustments. Any
student who has a documented disability requiring an accommodation, aid or
adjustment should speak with the instructor immediately. Students with
Disabilities who have not previously done so should provide documentation to
and schedule an appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities and
obtain appropriate services."
Please remember that if, for any reason, you decide to
drop this course, you MUST do so officially through the Registrar's
office. The last day to withdraw from a course this semester is November 20th.
Note: This syllabus represents the intended structure of
the course for the semester. If changes are necessary, students will be
notified in writing and via all regular class
communication mechanisms (class discussion, emails, and/or the instructor’s
website at http://cs.salemstate.edu/~b_yi/.). |